Basic Destructuring JavaScript

Ahmed A.
3 min readMay 30, 2021


Destructuring is a very useful feature of JavaScript, it is used to extract properties from objects to bind them to other variables. It can also be useful and less time-consuming because it allows you to extract many properties in a single statement while setting a default property if one doesn’t exist. In this post, we will learn about object destructuring in ES6.

The reason to destructure

In the previous version of JavaScript if you wanted to extract properties of an object you would write the following code.

var hero = {
name: 'Iron Man',
realName: 'Tony Stark'
var name =;var realName = hero.realName;
name; // => 'Iron Man',
realName; // => 'Tony Stark'

We can refactor the above code and destructure the code and make it more readable and easier to follow with the example below.

const hero = {
name: 'Iron Man',
realName: 'Tony Stark'
const { name, realName } = hero;
name; // => 'Batman',
realName; // => 'Bruce Wayne'

If we compare the different approaches to access the object properties we see the following differences.

const name     =;
const realName = hero.realName;
// is equivalent to:const { name, realName } = hero;

As you can see it is much easier to follow and read and also takes only one line of code. I’m sure you can see where this would come in handy especially with having more variables in the object.

Syntax of Extraction

Below is the basic syntax to destructure an object.

const { identifier } = expression;
  • The identifier is where the name of the property to access
  • The expression evaluates to an object

After destructuring, the identifier contains the property value.

When extracting many properties we use commas in between each individual property like the example below.

const { identifier1, identifier2, ..., identifier100 } = expression;

Here’s the equivalent code:

const identifier1 = expression.identifier1;
const identifier2 = expression.identifier2;
// ...
const identifierN = expression.identifierN;

Default values

Destructuring gives us a default value, of undefined, if we do not give the property a specified assignment. Like the example below.

const hero = {
name: 'Iron Man',
realName: 'Tony Stark'
const { enemies } = hero;
partners; // => undefined

After we destructure the object calling the variable partners, we get undefined because we do not have a property in the object called partners. The good news is that we can set a default value even if the property doesn’t exist in the object. You do that with the following example.

const { identifier = defaultValue } = expression;

So in our example the code would look like this.

const hero = {
name: 'Batman',
realName: 'Bruce Wayne'
const { partners = ['Robin'] } = hero;
partners; // => ['Robin']

Now, instead of being undefined, the variable partners defaults to ['Robin'].


As you can see destructuring in JavaScript ES6 is very useful makes code easier to read and much cleaner. In this post we explored the very basic features of destructuring, it is a very powerful feature with many more things we can do with it, in my next post we will explore the more advanced features of this amazing feature.

